Case Studies in New Media

Think and Grow Rich - the Movies

3 Essentials of Crowdfunding – Think and Grow Rich The Movies

When a close friend says, sorry you’re only 1% of the way to your crowdfunding goal after 2 weeks, it makes me smile.  Many base success on first reactions, rather than realizing it’s a process to roll out anything, crowdfunding … Read the rest

Just like buying real estate, web site purchases have their own location value - search, email, and community - and must have value you can increase.

2 Essentials That Make a Web Site Worth Buying

I love how this business grows and changes, waking you up to ideas you don’t see because they are either under the radar, or just not cool enough for everyone to blog about…like the recent G+ bandwagon.

What I’ve discovered, … Read the rest

The 3 Tiers of social Media Partnerships

The 3 Tiers of Social Media Partnerships and Virtual Currency – Zynga & Facebook

Social media is a new layer of business being ignored by many, because many of the social media experts come from a PR background, while many performance marketers sit on the sidelines waiting for someone to prove how it works … Read the rest

Zynga, Virtual Currency, Facebook, and the New Gaming Paradigm

The 1% Rule – Zynga, Virtual Currency, and Facebook for Baby Boomers

Take a 48 year old American man with time and money, give him a game without end and virtual currency, and what do you get?

A cash cow called Zynga, whose various Facebook games like Cityville and Farmville are generating … Read the rest

The 3 Primal Forces of Entrepreneurs – Pivot and Profit Podcast

If you are not solving a problem, you are not relevant; if you are not a member of the market, the tribe you seek, how can you be relevant?

Seems like everyone must be an entrepreneur these days, from those … Read the rest

Why Groupon’s Deal Sucks for Groupon – The Achilles Heel of Margin

Sifting through the huzzah and the social hollerbaloo about Groupon’s IPO, I realize a simple fact. Everyone is trying to explain why Daily Deals are bad for merchants and consumers, which might be true.

Any performance marketer with any experience … Read the rest

The Growth Generation Method

Simply Responsive LLC
2485 Notre Dame Blvd. Suite 370 #35
Chico, CA.
(530) 235-6331