You want to share your story, so you begin writing it down, separate from your audience. You try to deliver something to make them notice.… Read the rest
You’ve heard about building communities by creating your own content, yet look around and except for a few celebrities and Interwebs celebrities, that model doesn’t … Read the rest
As the nutty aroma of my first cappucino enveloped my senses, I walked into Florence, Italy for the first time – eyes wide open, shaking from the coffee and witnessing the wild breeze.
You’re invited to briefly dive, instead of another listicle or inspiring weekend vision….into a new discussion, from an article written in 2008 that struck a nerve even more today.
The biggest disruption is the way people receive their information, social updates, etc….moving from a world driven by TV”s and PC’s broadcasting, to one of tablets and smart phones connecting people wherever they are, and plugging these into the bigger … Read the rest